I specialize in cause-driven stories exploring environmental issues from the perspective of human communities and culture. Issues include water, fisheries, fire, forests, food, indigenous rights, cultural heritage, and impacts related to climate instability. My work raises awareness of the issues and promotes conversations necessary for positive change.

My photographs have been used in over 700 magazine articles and countless online features. Some examples are included below in the links and thumbnail gallery.

Links to recent online projects

Narco land-grabs in the remote Amazon (Mongabay & Upper Amazon)

Illegal and unregulated gold mining in Peru (iLCP & Wake Forest)

Wildland Firefighting (The Nature Conservancy)

The last isolated tribes in the Amazon (The New York Times)

Threatened isolated tribes in the Amazon (Science Magazine)

From Paradise to Peril: The Amazon's Isolated Tribes multi-part project (Pulitzer Center)

Photo story and report on biodiversity and conservation enterprises (USAID)

In Peru, a new president is faced with old conservation challenges (Mongabay)

The New Gold Rush (Wake Forest University Center for Energy Environment and Sustainability)

Small-scale fisheries and sustainability (Oceanographic)

Participatory photography and native communities (PDN)

Mozambique fisheries (Rare)

Protecting the Mesoamerican Reef (BBC)

 SCREENSHOTS, Snapshots, & Scans of Misc examples


Last Wildest Place (ongoing personal project)